Excerpts from Jon Hanna's book, "Psychedelic Resource List"...
"Scrapbook is an insider's description of the psychedelic movement in the late
sixties. Gips has compiled a scrapbook of poems, drawings and diary excerpts
from her life experiences during the "Summer of Love." What Scrapbook does
best is present an honest look at what it was like to be part of the
spiritual questioning which blossomed during this time. It presents this
information in an easy to read manner, making the flavor of the sixties
available to the "Generation X" of the '90s. While reading Scrapbook, I was
transported back in time, and experienced the genuine enthusiasm of the
hippie movement. I also found, to some extent, an appreciation for poetry.
These effects that Scrapbook had on me were unexpected, as I have always
felt ambivalent towards hippies and poets.
"Now in her 70s, Elizabeth Gips is the "grandmother" you wish was yours. She
currently resides in Santa Cruz, and makes the occasional appearance in
cyberspace on the CSP Entheogen List. Scrapbook is wonderful fun-sometimes
sad, sometimes joyous, but always interesting!
"Highly recommended!