Remembering Elizabeth Gips

i first met elizabeth in the summer of 1969. i was a college kid in san bernardino. there was a neat "hippie commune" [that was how my hippie friends described it...they were crashing there uninvited by louise who owned the property and was out of town]. i was sunbathing = nude [a new experience] beside the pool...being held in the sitting position by a nude female college friend [another new experience]. a very impressive somewhat older hip woman came by and asked for louise...whom neither the girl or i knew! the woman was elizabeth.

when louise took me into her extended family, i started getting to know elizabeth...from an aunt...hearing stories about she was who "lives on love street" in the doors' songs, etc. that was in the early 70's.

i lost contact with her until the early 90's when i discovered that she did her radio show in santa cruz. she had me on CHANGES....a great interview! it will be one of the shows we will play tomorrow [tuesday] night on in honor of her.

i ain't no fool. when i started luver, i asked if luver could play CHANGES. even during her death preparations, she sent tapes...and $10 a month. that's commitment!

i'm hoping to continuing getting and webcasting CHANGES!

frank moore

you can hear CHANGES every wednesday at 10 pm pt on as always.

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